The Southern Yarn

Our Newsletter: The Southern Yarn


Staying in touch with things down under is one of the functions of the Down Under Club of Winnipeg.

In addition to contributions from many club members, editor Charlie Powell gleans the web and other sources for tidbits of information that might slip through the cracks of the usual sources, then prints them in our newsletter, The Southern Yarn.

Below are issues of our newsletter in PDF format. They differ from the printed version in that they are in color and may contain additional pages of information and photos that did not fit in the print version. To view them you require the Acrobat Reader software that runs on almost any computer system and can be downloaded free from Adobe.

Members of the DUCW receive their copies by email, or regular mail on fabulous yellow paper! Learn more about becoming a member.

This year’s issues of The Southern Yarn,…




October-December 2022  | August/September 2022 | June/July 2022April/May 2022 | February/March 2022


December 2021 – January 2022 | October-November, 2021August-September, 2021 | June-July, 2021 | April-May, 2021February-March 2021


December 2020 – January 2021 | October-November 2020 | August-September 2020 | June-July 2020 | April-May 2020  | February – March 2020


December 2019 – January 2020October – November 2019August – September 2019
June – July 2019 | April – May 2019 | February – March 2019


December 2018 – January 2019October November 2018August September 2018 | June 2018 (no July issue)(no May issue in 2018)  | April 2018  | March 2018  | February 2018  | January 2018


The entire year of 2017 Yarns (12 issues, 18 Mb PDF). 


December 2016  |  November 2016  |  October 2016  |  September 2016  |  August 2016  |  July 2016  |  June 2016  |  May 2016  |  April 2016  |  March 2016  |  February 2016  |  January 2016


December 2015 | November 2015 | October 2015 | September 2015 | August 2015 | July 2015 | June 2015 | May 2015 | April 2015 | March 2015 | February 2015 | January 2015


December 2014 | November 2014 | October 2014 | September, 2014 | (no Yarns were published in July or August 2014) | June 2014 | May 2014 | April 2014 | March 2014 | February 2014 | January 2014


December 2013 | November 2013 | October 2013 | September 2013 | August 2013 | July 2013 | June 2013 | May 2013 | April 2013 | March 2013 | February 2013 | January 2013

Back issues

Back issues of the Southern Yarn will be combined into a single big PDF next, so check them out above before they get archived into one file.

The 2012 issues of The Southern yarn have been combined into a single big (10.5 Mb) PDF file. You can download the 2012 Yarn collection here (be patient) and then scroll through 89 pages. Paper copies of back issues are available from the club, and we have a few of the previous years on disk as well.

Submit a story

We welcome contributions of all kinds to our monthly issue of The Southern Yarn, as long as they are related to club activities or interests pertaining to ‘Down Under’ themes.

  • We will edit your piece for length and content.
  • We can’t guarantee we will be able to fit it into the newsletter, but we’ll do our best.
  • It’s all the news that fits into print, or all the news that is fit to print.

There are several ways for you to send us a story:

      • write it up as an email message and send to
      • drop off with any club executive member
      • send it through the postal system to
        Stn Main PO Box 1655, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, R3C 2Z6

The type of content we enjoy receiving from members and contributors includes:

  • travels
  • jokes
  • recipes
  • photos
  • kids items
  • trivia
  • history
  • member updates
  • news items
  • music, book and film reviews


EDITOR: Charlie Powell writes and researches the bulk of the content for the website and our monthly newsletter, The Southern Yarn.
Tel: 1-204-275-7083 • email:

DESIGNER: Brian Hydesmith designs and manages the website and our newsletter. He is a graphic designer (Hydesmith Communications), located in Winnipeg. • Tel: 1-204-487-0067


We would like to acknowledge the members of our club along with many web sites that have provided us with excellent material for our site. We also thank Jenny Gates for her many years of work as Editor for The Yarn. Please review our links page for reference to extensive list of sites we refer to. We welcome your feedback in keeping this site current, accurate, interesting and useful.

38 thoughts on “The Southern Yarn

  1. Pingback: Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  2. Pingback: Southern Yarn May 2013 | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  3. Pingback: August 2013 yarn | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  4. Pingback: November 2013 Yarn | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  5. Pingback: Yarn issue for December 2013 | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  6. Pingback: February Yarn is ready! | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  7. Pingback: Yarn March 2014 | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  8. Pingback: April 2014 Yarn is ready for you! | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  9. Pingback: May 2014 Yarn available for download | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  10. Pingback: June 2014 Yarn ready | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  11. Pingback: Yarn Sept 2014 | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  12. Pingback: Yarn October 2014 | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  13. Pingback: Southern Yarn December 2014 | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  14. Pingback: February Yarn | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  15. Pingback: March Yarn | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  16. Pingback: Yarn April 2015 | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  17. Pingback: Yarn May 2015 | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  18. Pingback: Yarn June 2015 | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  19. Pingback: August Yarn | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  20. Pingback: Yarn Sept 2015 | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  21. Pingback: November 2015 Yarn | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  22. Pingback: December Yarn | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  23. Pingback: Yarn January 2016 | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  24. Pingback: Yarn February | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  25. Pingback: Southern Yarn April 2016 | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  26. Pingback: Southern Yarn – September 2016 | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  27. Pingback: Yarn November 2016 | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  28. Pingback: Jan 2017 Yarn | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  29. Pingback: Yarn March 2017 | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  30. Pingback: Yarn August 2017 | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  31. Pingback: Yarn for September 2017 | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  32. Pingback: October Yarn | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  33. Pingback: Yarn January 2018 | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  34. Pingback: Yarn June 2018 | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  35. Pingback: Yarn October-November | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  36. Pingback: Yarn June July | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  37. Pingback: Yarn 2020 Feb-Mar | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

  38. Pingback: The Southern Yarn – April May 2020 | Down Under Club of Winnipeg

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