Yarn for May-June 2024 Leave a reply The Southern Yarn is once again ready for your reading pleasure. There is lots to say, but instead, let’s whet your appetite with Charlie’s editorial, and you can dig in directly from there. All from the little club newsletter than could… Following on from last issue’s reminisces of school army cadet days: the quiz answer is the Bren gun. When we went bush on weekend bivouacs we had to take army-issue rations with us – canned stew, condensed milk, “dog” biscuits, tubes of Vegemite, etc. At the annual two-week camp, regular army cooks served up the meals in mess tents. The fun times thankfully balanced the more serious implications of what the cadet movement was all about. In addition to rifle practice and learning maneuver strategies, our participation in the annual ANZAC Day parades and ceremonies kept the more sober realities front of mind. For 75 years our DUCW has maintained the serious remembrance of the ANZACs and their sacrifices and achievements, especially for each next generation. We also maintain the balance with the many lighter activities. And there is more humour in uniform in this edition. You can also learn more of what “the little club that could” has gotten up to in part 2 of Jenny Gates’ Club history piece on p. 7 – pretty amazing! All this and so much more – thanks to all who have contributed and our advertisers.