Category Archives: Tourism

Yarn July August 2024

The Southern Yarn for July-August 2024

24-Yarn_0708-JulyAug The Southern Yarn for July August is complete and posted here for your enjoyment. 

Here is the editorial to get you started:

I’m a bit too old and unfit for cricket these days, but there was a time when I, along with other younger and fitter fellow DUCW members, played and enjoyed the game at a competitive level. In the winter we played (and won the championship) indoors (with a tennis ball) and in the summer we played at Assiniboine Park. We had to stake out the boundary and peg a large mat down for the pitch. So, it is good to learn that an upgrade is in the works (see p.5) since there are now so many new Canadians, particularly from South Asia, who also want to continue enjoying their traditional sport.

With the Paris Olympics about to start, we will no doubt soon be cheering on and celebrating new heroes. Australia’s and New Zealand’s first Olympians get a mention on p. 4.

There is also more of our Club history (see p.6), thanks to Jenny Gates and our bird this month is the oriole. Thanks again to all our sponsors, contributors and advertisers.


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Hudson the polar bear

Hudson2All About Hudson the polar bear

  • Birth Date: October 11, 2011
  • Age: 16 months old
  • Weight: 410 pounds (January 2013)
  • Parents: Hudson’s mother Aurora resides at the Toronto Zoo. His father, Inukshuk, visits the Toronto Zoo for breeding purposes.
  • Diet: Hudson’s diet includes jumbo smelt and herring, carrots, Vitamin E and Thiamine supplements.
  • Nickname: At the Toronto Zoo, Hudson was known as “The Ham”. He could be found gallivanting around his enclosure and entertaining Zoo guests with his hilarious antics. He loves to be the centre of attention.

Introducing Hudson…

G’day all, Even though the weather is the coldest it’s been so far, it didn’t stop Assiniboine Park Zoo from giving a warm welcome to Hudson, a 16-month-old polar bear. Continue reading