The outgoing executive for 2016. Thank you all for your work in the past 12 months.
Join us on Friday November 25 from 7:00 pm until 10:00 pm at the Scandinavian Cultural Centre, 764 Erin Street in Winnipeg.
We will be holding our Club elections and updating everyone on events and activities in 2016 and 2017.
Consider taking a turn on the executive – all positions are up for grabs – or just turn up and lend your support to those who keep the cogs turning. This is a great forum for raising suggestions for Club events or to catch up with your mates.
The bar will be open and snacks will be supplied.
NOTE: You need to be a member in good standing to be on the executive, so if you haven’t paid your dues, bring your money with you. Only $20 for an individual, and $30 for a couple / family.
We look forward to seeing all of you there.