Possum Magic

Woolworths is co-launching a limited-edition of colourful $2 coins featuring characters from the iconic Australian children’s book, Possum Magic.

The coins are minted by The Royal Australian Mint but will be released to the public through Woolworths tills and feature Possum Magic’s main character, Hush, along with a colourful “magical dust” rings.

A limited-edition Possum Magic Coin Collection album will also be sold through Woolworths and the Royal Australian Mint. The coins are designed to mark the Children’s Book Council of Australia Children’s Book Week.

“We hope the release of the coin collection provides more opportunities for grandparents, parents and children alike to engage with this iconic story and perhaps even try recreating the famous dishes contained in the book,” said Woolworths Program Manager, Sarah De La Mare.

The first $2 design in the coin series has already been released into Woolworths registers. The second design will be released 22 August 2017 and the final design 29 August 2017. The coin collection album can be purchased for AUD $15 from Woolworths supermarkets and the Royal Australian Mint.

Thanks to Charlie Powell for bringing this to our attention.

Annual Golf Tournament

Feel like playing a round?

Then this is your last chance to sign up for the annual DUCW Golf tournament on THIS Saturday:

  • Saturday August 19
  • The Players, 2695 Park Royale Way (Inkster Way)
  • 11:00 am for 18 holes
  • 1:15 pm for 9 holes

Call Peter Munn TODAY at 204-237-1805.

Fun to a Tee!

Aussies and a Kiwi at the Fringe

Are you heading to the Winnipeg Fringe Festival between July 19 and 30?

The festival is staged at various locations downtown, and if you’ve never been, this could be the year, with a bunch of Aussies and a Kiwi in the mix:

  • Olive Copperbottom: A New Musical by Charles Dickens and Penny Ashton – Penash Productions, New Zealand
  • The Ballad of Frank Allen – Weeping Spoon Productions, Australia
  • Lovely Lady Lump – Lana Schwarcz, Australia
  • Jon Bennett: How I Learned to Hug – Jon Bennett, Australia
  • 6 Quick Dick Tricks: A Dirk Darrow Investigation – Tim Motley, Australia
  • Patrick Hercamp & Jon Bennett in New Show, BUTT different – Patrick Hercamp and Jon Bennett, Lost Angeles and Australia

Visit www.winnipegfringe.com/ for show times and tickets.

Oh, and if you don’t think it matters to them that you will be in the audience, here’s an email from performer Penny Ashton – “Well hello, here I am googling myself like an egomaniac and your Southern Yarn pops up! How have I never seen you guys before, lol. This will be my 7th Winnipeg Fringe, and the lone Kiwi flying the flag this year I think indeed. Just thought I’d say thanks a lot for the mention, I hope to get some Kiwis along to the show. Ka Kite, Penny.”

Of course she also means Aussies  … 🙂 … so be sure to say kia ora and g’day when you go!