Category Archives: Winnipeg

Classic 107

Classic 107.1 Anzac Day Centenary broadcast

The Winnipeg Classical music station FM 107.1 is featuring a selection of music on their broadcast for April 25th, 2015, on Anzac Day.

For those unable to attend our ceremony, this is a great way to remember the day in a classical way.

Host Michael Wolch will broadcast the special program on FM 107.1 between 2 – 3 PM, local time in Winnipeg. Tune in via the web (at

(If you are listening Down Under, the broadcast time is for early risers on Sunday, April 26th 5 AM – 6 AM Eastern Standard Time in Sydney, Australia, and 7 AM – 8 AM in Wellington, New Zealand.)

We are delighted to have this special day recognized by this local broadcaster.

Join us on Facebook!

FB page 2014If you are the social media type, do yourself a favour in 2015 and join us on Facebook! All you have to do is click on the link, and then sit back and let us come to you.

Our online community is growing and there are new posts every day. As well as news from Australia and New Zealand, there are updates on our events, and reminders about special celebrations.

It’s a great way to stay involved with the Club and to keep in touch with all the news from home.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Yarn October 2014

Yarn2014-10-OctoberThe Southern Yarn is now ready for you to download. Check it out online at our Yarn page, or at this link, or click on the image here.

Most important to note is that the FORMAL DINNER is coming up soon on October ambien buy 25th and we want you to call in an RSVP, to confirm your attendance. We are having it catered this time, so we need to know how many people will be there. Call today!

And have a great Thanksgiving holiday weekend!

Getting to Know: Gordon Keatch

Gordon-and-sons_6098Gordon Keatch

One of our favourite people, Gordon Keatch, has retired as our intrepid “getting to know” columnist. In his letter of retirement, Gord wrote that his monthly column in The Southern Yarn about getting to know members was “a most rewarding and interesting experience”.

We are looking for someone to take over the column, but first we thought we’d let you all “get to know” Gord a little better. Continue reading