Our ANZAC Day centenary event on Saturday, April 25th, 2015 was both well attended and well received. Here are some photos from the day.
- The main part of the room for the ceremony
- DUCW President Peter Munn
- DUCW members Ian Bowering (seated) and Liz Hydesmith (right).
- His Honour, Manitoba’s Lt. Gov. Philip Lee
- Representing the Australian Navy, Lieutenant Andrew Serchen stands at attention.
- Lt. Gov. Phillip Lee
- Minister Deanne Crothers
- Colonel Eric Charron, 2nd Air Division
- Lt. Col. Andrews and Chief Warrant Officer Harry, from 435 Squadron, 17 Wing
- RCMP Chief Superintendant Scott Kolody, Col. Charron and Lt. Col Andrews
- Our parade marshall Gordon Keatch
- Our bugler, Petty Officer, 2nd Class, James McKee, Royal Canadian Navy Reserve
- Our bugler, Petty Officer, 2nd Class, James McKee, Royal Canadian Navy Reserve
- Our bugler, Petty Officer, 2nd Class, James McKee, Royal Canadian Navy Reserve
- Turkish Counsellor Hakan Cengiz lays a wreath at the cenotaph.
- Anzac Day event coordinator Liz Hydesmith led the placing of poppies.
- Panelists Dr. Jim Ferguson, Warren Otto, Chris Young and Capt. Emmanuel Goffi
- Counsellor Hakan Cengiz, representing the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey
- Counsellor Hakan Cengiz, representing the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey