The latest version of The Southern Yarn is ready for you now, Check it out. And here is the editorial to get you started.
As I put this issue together, Folklorama is about to begin its 2-week run here in Winnipeg. Being the first time back, after COVID*, there are only 12 pavilions each week – about half of the usual number. Perhaps a post-COVID strategy on the part of the Folk Arts Council, or just a reality of the times – like our DUCW, members are few and sadly volunteers can no longer muster the oomph to plan and execute such a major undertaking. At least we have fond memories of our glory days. So we try to keep something of our history and culture alive as best we can – not least by this our Yarn. Read on and you will learn of a saint and a sinner, sand and scrabble, as well as more about Vegemite and cricket. Continue reading