It’s time for the last, AND the first Yarn of the years we are bridging with this issue. Stand by for the Dec-Jan issue of The Southern Yarn in your mailbox in glorious yellow paper and B&W print, or in modern full colour (with live hyperlinks!) via the PDF documents featured as always here on our website.
And good luck with getting used to saying and writing the new year 2022. That’s a lot of twos, but it has a nice ring two it, right?

The Southern Yarn, Dec 2021 to Jan 2022
And here’s Charlie’s editorial to get you started.
As Peter reports, our recent AGM was fun and multi-national. Not only that, some great ideas emerged and you will see their influence on the content in future issues of The Southern Yarn. As always, we welcome the contributions from members and friends. So, “Thank You” to Jude McCudden for her thoughtful poetic offering (p. 6) and Peter Debenham’s friend, Brian McCann, for his ‘Great Ocean Drive” story (p. 5). Also, Jenny has put together some member related snippets in “Re Member” (p. 3). Again, I thank our regulars and our advertisers!
Meanwhile, as the nursery rhyme advises: “Christmas is coming and the geese are getting fat. Please put a penny in the poor man’s hat. If you haven’t got a penny, a ha’penny will do. If you haven’t got a ha’penny, then God bless you!” And as this food safety professional advises: Keep it simple, keep it cold or keep it hot, but keep it safe!
Be generous and … Enjoy!
– Charlie