Remembrance poppies in Australia

Poppies on the Roll of Honour. Photograph taken by Kerry Alchin. PAIU2014/128.14

[Read the original of this text at:]

The Flanders poppy has long been a part of Remembrance Day, the ritual that marks the Armistice of 11 November 1918, and is also increasingly being used as part of Anzac Day observances. During the First World War, red poppies were among the first plants to spring up in the devastated battlefields of northern France and Belgium. In soldiers’ folklore, the vivid red of the poppy came from the blood of their comrades soaking the ground. Continue reading

Matthew Flinders (1774-1814)

We’ve had many ‘Getting to Know’ interviews with our club members, so we are also featuring some brief biographies of notable Australians and New Zealanders from history. – Ed.

Raised in Lincolnshire, where men usually turned to agriculture for a livelihood, Matthew Flinders showed originality by choosing the sea. Flinders was born on 16 March 1774 at Donington, Lincolnshire. From a family of doctors, Flinders was expected to take up the same profession, but inspired by reports of Cook’s discoveries, and the reading of Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, he decided to go to sea. Continue reading

The Southern Yarn – November 2014

Yarn2014-NovThe November issue of The Southern Yarn is now online for your download pleasure. Please note that the print edition was mailed out with a small error:

The annual Christmas Party is on Sunday, December 7th. The print edition erroneously said Saturday. Please update your calendar and we’ll be sure to ensure Santa is also using the 2014 calendar as well.

Also note that the online edition is in colour and has an extra page of news items that would not fit into our six page print edition.

Yarn October 2014

Yarn2014-10-OctoberThe Southern Yarn is now ready for you to download. Check it out online at our Yarn page, or at this link, or click on the image here.

Most important to note is that the FORMAL DINNER is coming up soon on October ambien buy 25th and we want you to call in an RSVP, to confirm your attendance. We are having it catered this time, so we need to know how many people will be there. Call today!

And have a great Thanksgiving holiday weekend!

Getting to Know: Gordon Keatch

Gordon-and-sons_6098Gordon Keatch

One of our favourite people, Gordon Keatch, has retired as our intrepid “getting to know” columnist. In his letter of retirement, Gord wrote that his monthly column in The Southern Yarn about getting to know members was “a most rewarding and interesting experience”.

We are looking for someone to take over the column, but first we thought we’d let you all “get to know” Gord a little better. Continue reading