Asylum system in Australia criticized

Why does international condemnation on human rights mean so little to Australia?

Amy Maguire, University of Newcastle

Australia’s human rights record is increasingly subject to international critique alongside pariah states like Saudi Arabia and North Korea. On the face of it, this juxtaposition is easily rejected. But strong evidence backs the increasing weight of international sentiment opposing Australia’s record.

(note that we’ve just added a news feed from Australian version of TheConversation, over in the right column of this page.)

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Australia Day and Waitangi Day

aus can nz flagsWe look forward to you joining us this Saturday, February 6, for our Australia Day and Waitangi Day event. Everything gets underway at 6:00 pm at the Scandinavian Cultural Centre, 764 Erin.

It is a potluck event, so we ask that you:

  • prepare a dish using kiwi fruit to enter into the Bake Off Contest, and/or
  • bring a meat dish, salad, veggie dish, or dessert (unless the kiwi fruit dish you bring is a dessert).

Please bring enough for yourselves and a bit extra, just in case.

It’s going to be a great night, with a fun trivia quiz on both countries, and the bar will be open.

See you there and then.


Celebrating Australia Day

browns 1 smIf you would like to celebrate Australia Day with a distinctly Aussie flavour, then consider dropping into Miss Browns Hot Pressed Sandwich & Coffee Co. in Winnipeg between 7:30 am and 3:00 pm on Tuesday January 26. Perhaps a coffee before work, a mid-morning break, lunch, or just to say hi.

Located at 288 William St downtown (south-east of Red River College, and south-west of City Hall), owners Jenn (Cdn) and Steve (Aus) are planning additional Australian options to complement their already amazing menu for anyone who wants to drop in and say g’day.

Famous for their breakfast, Stumptown coffee, house-smoked meats, and fresh cooked local foods, it’s one of few places in town that actually know what you want when you ask for a long black or a flat white.

Be sure to tell them you are a member – or friend – of the DUCW so they know we are spreading the word about them and their Aussie-inspired business thriving here in Winnipeg.

By the way, we will be organising a Sunday Brunch there in the near future, so stay tuned for that.

Cheers! And happy Australia Day!

Yarn January 2016

2016-Yarn-JanThe first issue of The Southern Yarn for 2016 is available online for you to download. The January issue can be a read online, printed out to read at your lea sure, or as a stop-gap until your yellow B&W version arrives in the mail. We’ve got a review of the 2015 Christmas activities and lots more. Happy New Year everyone!