Biking in Southern Australia

WFP art smallMy neighbour Art Brown is about halfway through his 122-day biking adventure in southern Australia.

An article I wrote about his journey was recently published in The Metro and I thought you might enjoy reading his story. You can also follow Art’s daily travels by reading his blog, which is packed with fabulous photos of people and places.

Art is about to take a winged mode of transportation to explore Uluru – a place I’ve always wanted to go – before continuing his trip across to Perth. And as you will read in the article, he is also supporting Soldier On to help veterans in Canada.


Commonwealth Day

Commonwealth Day was celebrated at Government House in Winnipeg, with several DUCW members in attendance. Jenny Gates Photo.

Commonwealth Day was celebrated at Government House in Winnipeg, with several DUCW members in attendance. L-R: Jenny Gates, Gordon Keatch, Lt. Gov. Janice Filmon, and Besty and Murray Burt. Photo: Leon Badali.

The second Monday in March is the annual celebration of Commonwealth Day. And every year, the Province marks the day with an event hosted at Government House.

On Tuesday March 15, members of the Down Under Club of Winnipeg (DUCW) and the Royal Commonwealth Society (RCS) gathered at Government House to celebrate Commonwealth Day. As president of the Manitoba Branch of the RCS, Murray Burt addressed the gathering at the evening’s event, which was hosted by the Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba Janice Filmon. Members of the DUCW in attendance were Murray and Betsy Burt, Gordon Keatch, Leon Badali and Jenny Gates. Continue reading