New Zealand represented at Indigenous Day event

Thanks to DUCW members Penny and Sam Hechter for attending the Indigenous Day Live celebrations in Winnipeg on June 23 and letting us know that New Zealand was represented at the event.

“It was a wonderful surprise to see the trio perform, including a haka performance. ”

If you hear about or see any Aussies and Kiwis at events here in Winnipeg, let us know and/or take a photo so we can help spread the word.

This is definitely an event to watch out for next year.

A new way to enjoy Tim Tams this summer

Thanks to DUCW member Margaret Munn for letting us know about the delicious “Down Under” parfait – soft vanilla layered with Nutella, cappuccino crumble, Tim Tam biscuits, and chocolate hazelnut cream-filled wafer.

Get yours today in either a cone or a cup. DELICIOUS!!!

Available now at Sub Zero Ice Cream, 298 Jamison Ave, right here in Winnipeg.

When you get one, take a photo and we’ll post it on our Facebook page.


Yarn June 2018

The June issue of the Yarn is available for download. You can download it here, or from the Yarn archives page.

And let’s start adding in the editorial on these announcement posts…

Apologies for not getting a Yarn together for May, but I was away for half the month, downunder. The primary reason was a reunion of the class of ’69 who attended Queensland Agricultural College – it was certainly great to meet “old” mates again. Of course, with every trip back “home” there are always many reunions – other friends, family and, naturally for me, the birds. I managed to photograph about 40 different birds and chose one of them, the fan-tailed cuckoo, for Birds I view this month, p.6.

Thank you to Jenny Gates for her summary of our ANZAC commemoration on April 28th. While in Queensland, I also visited the Sandgate Museum – friendly volunteers and a very well-presented display of memorabilia – I noticed a protected copy of “The Anzac Book”. I have since found a pdf copy online – 100% the words of the men who wrote them in 2015 at Gallipoli. Something else that caught my eye was a notice on a lamp-post on the South Bank in Brisbane calling for new sensitivities to events of history.

Thank you also to Catherine Bowering for her second part of the Nancy Wake story, Getting to know, p.4 – it’s a big help having such articles written and offered. Others who have contributed this month are Peter, Murray, Judy, Malcolm and our sponsors – Thank you!

Calling all Kiwis in Manitoba!

You are cordially invited to join New Zealand High Commissioner Dan Mellsop on Monday April 30 at the King’s Head (120 William in downtown Winnipeg) starting at 7:00 pm.

Dan is keen to meet as many of our community as possible. In his words, “I would be happy to talk about New Zealand’s current activities in Canada and any other topics of interest to the group. I would also be interested to hear from the expat kiwis about their experiences here in Canada.”

If you are able to attend, please let us know at or 204-228-9959 so we can get an idea of numbers.

If you aren’t able to attend, but have a question we can ask or information you’d like to share, feel free to email that to us as well.

For more information about Dan, visit the New Zealand High Commission’s website.

ANZAC Day commemoration in Winnipeg

Our ANZAC Day event is Saturday April 28.


The commemorative service will be held at the Scandinavian Cultural Centre (764 Erin), followed by a potluck dinner. You are asked to bring enough food for yourselves and a bit extra to make sure there is enough for everyone who attends. Mostly we are looking for main dishes, veggie dishes, rice and pasta dishes, and salads, as well as just a few desserts.

All the details are in the April issue of The Southern Yarn.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Photo courtesy Red Tractor Designs.