Children’s books, videos and more

It can be hard to find country-specific things for Children when you live far away from your homeland. It can be equally difficult to find people who appreciate them when your kids grow up and no longer need them.

If any members of the DUCW club with small children are interested in accepting items from members with now grown-up kids, please let us know. Some of us are hanging on to special books, clothing, games and videos with a particular connection to Down Under.

100th ANZAC remembered

biplaneOn Saturday, 25th April, 2015, the centenary of ANZAC Day will be commemorated across Commonwealth countries around the world. The Down Under Club of Winnipeg will be marking this event with members, special guests and inviting the public to remember this occasion with us at the Western Canada Aviation Museum.

This event will be given the ceremonial respect it deserves with social and historical activities to follow. We look forward to seeing you there. Mark your calendars.

Join us on Facebook!

FB page 2014If you are the social media type, do yourself a favour in 2015 and join us on Facebook! All you have to do is click on the link, and then sit back and let us come to you.

Our online community is growing and there are new posts every day. As well as news from Australia and New Zealand, there are updates on our events, and reminders about special celebrations.

It’s a great way to stay involved with the Club and to keep in touch with all the news from home.

Looking forward to seeing you there!