Category Archives: Getting to Know

Yarn June-July 2020

The Southern Yarn for June and July is ready for you to download, either directly, or through the Yarns page.

Many of our anticipated events will be impacted by the Covid-19 restrictions, but perhaps now more than ever, we value our connections with one another, even if meeting in person is harder to achieve.

Here’s Charlie’s editorial to get your started: 

One thing I enjoy about this “job” (as editor of The Yarn newsletter) is hunting for good news stories to share. So, it is encouraging to find a good number of sites devoted to offering just that. You will find some of them in the following pages.

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Yarn 2020 Feb-Mar

Yarn 2020 February / March

The Southern Yarn’s February March issue is available as a PDF for download right now!

Why wait for the yellow paper version in the post, when you can get it now, in glorious colour, with live links as well! Check it out.

And how about all those past issues? Get them on the Yarn’s own webpage.

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Yarn Dec 2019 – Jan 2020

The December-January edition of The Southern Yarn bridges the start of a new decade as we enter 2020. We’ve got reports on the not-so-formal dinner, the AGM, the Christmas party, and other club events, Give it a read, and we look forward to seeing you all next year. 

And here are some photos from the Christmas party that we could not fit into the Yarn.

Enjoy the photos.

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Southern Yarn August – September 2019

The Southern Yarn August-September 2019

The Southern Yarn for August – September of 2019 is released with a bit of sadness, as it marks the first issue after the passing of Gordon Keatch, the person behind the creation of the Down Under Club of Winnipeg. 

Lots of other news in this issue, and mark your calendars with the events coming up, including the golf tournament this month!

You can explore previous issues of the Yarn on our page dedicated to the current and back issues.

Here’s the Editorial from this issue: 

Most members will know by now of the passing, on June 25th, of one of the Club’s founding members, Gordon Keatch,. It was sad news, though not totally surprising after his fall and with an “odometer” that had already clicked Continue reading