Category Archives: Events

The Southern Yarn – November 2014

Yarn2014-NovThe November issue of The Southern Yarn is now online for your download pleasure. Please note that the print edition was mailed out with a small error:

The annual Christmas Party is on Sunday, December 7th. The print edition erroneously said Saturday. Please update your calendar and we’ll be sure to ensure Santa is also using the 2014 calendar as well.

Also note that the online edition is in colour and has an extra page of news items that would not fit into our six page print edition.

Yarn Sept 2014

Yarn-Sept2014-snapYes, friends, we’re back! After a hiatus lasting the bulk of the summer. we have published our first issue of The Southern Yarn since our June issue. Luckily we had regular updates on the website by Jenny Gates during the Canadian summer.

So, go ahead and download your own copy of the PDF version of the Yarn, complete with hyperlinks and in full colour. For those of you relying on Canada Post, await the arrival of the cheery yellow six pager to sit on your coffee table.

Remember to note all the upcoming events in your own calendar, especially the games night on September 27th, complete with wine and cheese. Then the formal dinner on October 25th. This time it will be catered, just for us, on our terms, in our space!


players courseSATURDAY AUGUST 9

Annual Golf Tournament

Join us for our Annual Golf Tournament at the Players Course, 2695 Inkster Boulevard.

Enjoy yourself with other members and friends in this lighthearted event, where no one takes their golf too seriously.

TEE OFF TIMES – 10:45 am for 18 holes, and 1:00 pm for 9 holes

COST – $40 for 18 holes, and $22 for 9 holes

Presentations will be held in the casual eating restaurant after the game, where you can order food as you require.

Contact Peter at (204) 237-1805.

Summer is on!

The Pool Party was great!

The Pool Party was great!

Welcome to summer, all you Aussies and Kiwis and Canucks in Canada! Wow, do we have a social calendar for you. In lieu of The Southern Yarn, which is on hiatus until September, we will post upcoming events and notices right here!

To get us started, a reminder that our Pool Party and Potluck is on Saturday July 12 at 57 D’Arcy Drive, starting around 2:00 pm. The Club is providing the burgers and buns, and you are providing the side dishes and desserts, and whatever you want to drink. RSVP to 204-275-7631 or 204-943-3775. Members and guests welcome!

Here are a few more photos from the day:


Stay tuned for more info on the golf tournament AND wine and cheese meeting. And don’t forget the summer lawn bowling – details in the next post.