The December Yarn was done on time, but posted here a title late. Sorry folks!
Catch up on all the news!
All the best for Christmas and a terrific conclusion to 2016.
The November issue of The Southern Yarn is ready for you to read online. It’s also going in the post this weekend, so those fabulous yellow versions will be on the way to some still relying on Canada Post for their Yarns.
The weather in Manitoba is unseasonably warm this month, with hardly a sign of winter in the air. Time to spend as much time outside as you can, before donning the cold weather gear is required for outdoor excursions.
The October 2016 issue of The Southern Yarn is on its way through the post, and here in glorious colour for you to download.
Enjoy, and we hope to see you at the formal dinner later this month.
All the Yarns, current and past issues, can always be retrieved at the Yarns page.