Heartfelt sympathies

Photo: 702 ABC Sydney, John Donegan.

Photo: 702 ABC Sydney, John Donegan.

Tragedy this week in Australia when 17 people were taken hostage and held for up to 16 hours at the Lindt Cafe in Martin Place, Sydney. Tori Johnson and Katrina Dawson died, and three people were injured. The siege rocked the country and beyond, and tributes continued to flow throughout the week. Our heartfelt sympathies to all those impacted by this tragic event.

Peter Jackson’s Shining Star

Photo: www.dailymail.co.uk.

Photo: www.dailymail.co.uk.

Oscar-winning New Zealand filmmaker Peter Jackson is saying goodbye to Middle-earth, but he’ll always have a place in Hollywood.

The director and producer of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogies was joined by his family, colleagues, film executives and fans on Monday morning as he received his well-earned star on Hollywood Boulevard. Continue reading

Executive for 2015

The Annual General Meeting on Friday night delivered a return of the existing members of the board, and filling the one vacant position of Social Coordinator by Liz Hydesmith.

DUCW Board members for 2015

DUCW Board members for 2015

All the best for the holiday season from your new DUCW Board.

    • Secretary:Margaret Munn
    • Newsletter Editor: Charlie Powell
    • Social Coordinator:  Liz Hydesmith
    • Past President: Terry Roberts
    • President: Peter Munn
    • Treasurer:  Peter Debenham
    • Membership: Norm Griffiths
    • Vice President: Catherine Bowering

Southern Yarn December 2014

2014-12-YarnThe final issue of The Southern Yarn for 2014 is available for you to download now!

Inside (page 6) you will find

  • an invite from the Premier to visit the Legislative Buildings open house on December 6th
  • the new DUCW executive for the upcoming year
  • gold rush history from NZ – who knew?
  • Holiday deals from Downunder Travel
  • elation in rugby and tragedy in cricket
  • and much more!

(Apologies to the links on this post previously going to the Dec. 2013 issue of the Yarn, rather than the 2014 issue. All fixed.)