The Southern Yarn is once again complete and ready. We held off in order to include content from our formal dinner last weekend where we celebrated our 75th anniversary as a club. Continue reading
Category Archives: Plonk and Tucker
Yarn May June 2023
Spring has sprung,
The sun is ris,
I wonder where the birdies is…
They will no doubt be flocking through soon, mostly on their way further north. Thankfully some regulars have stayed around through the winter months – chickadees and nuthatches – and visit our feeders daily.
We took a walk through Kings Park a couple of weeks ago and saw a fleet of pelicans on the river (more than 100). Some were perched on bits of remaining ice. Further along the track, Judy was buzzed by a cheeky chickadee. Luckily, she had come prepared with some black sunflower seeds in her pocket and was soon treated to that unique pleasure of having them feed from her hand. Birds I view this issue is about wood ducks (p.8).
Yarn January-February 2023
The first issue of The Southern Yarn is available now, online and in colour, and will be making its way through the post to those still having our postal version in glorious B&W on yellow paper.
Here’s Charlie’s editorial to get you started:
With this first edition for 2023 it is probably worth another reminder of the origins of the DUCW – namely, a bunch of Kiwi and Aussie servicemen wanting to socialize together after making it through WWII and choosing to make Winnipeg their home. This newsletter evolved later, and while sadly those founding vets have all passed on, we try to maintain a nod to their contribution by consistently including an article or something with a military theme – serious or otherwise. So, on p.6, in “Getting to know” there is a piece of history that was news to me until I read of it in the Australian Geographic. The focus is on the secret diamonds, but the bigger picture is the bombing of Broome, WA (I had only heard of the attack on Darwin). It is good to note that the AG journalist rightly acknowledged the critical role of the (Indigenous) Nyal Nyal man who first made contact with the survivors and raised the alarm – as opposed to the Mission Brother, who gets the credit in other accounts.
There are other contributions by my usual collaborators — Jenny, Peter and Judy — and I am particularly grateful this month to Jude McCudden (observations of changes downunder, p.2) and Ed Powell (guest Birds I View observer/writer, p.8). Hopefully they will inspire more of you readers to send in news or links to stories of interest to others. Special thanks, as always, to our advertisers, and Brian Hydesmith who assembles this into its presentable format. Continue reading
Need Vegemite?
“I ran out of Vegemite in November. As you know, Stonewall FF hasn’t been able to get any for a while and I needed my Vegemite fix.
“So, I ordered custom jars from Australia for the same price (with shipping) compared to what I’d been paying locally for the small jars.
“All in, it was $70 for 5 large jars and took 4 weeks to arrive. It was packed really well and fun to have my named jars.
“Sign up at the Vegemite store and get 10% off your first order.”
Thanks, Toby!
Yarn August September 2020
The new Southern Yarn is ready online, and this month there is a bonus page (p 9) of photos for those of you lucky enough to download it!