Category Archives: New Zealand

Christchurch 2 years post quake

New Zealand, Aotearoa the land of the long white cloud. Population 4 and a half million people. Where the sky is blue and nature is very green and there are 31 million sheep. Home of the best rugby team in the world, the All Blacks. Christchurch, known as the Garden City, was struck by a 7.1 earthquake on 4 September 2010, and a devastating after-shock of 6.3 on 22 February 2011, and then another 6.3 on 13 June 2011. Pre-earthquake population of 380,000 but, today, only 348,000. With estimated damage of 30 Billion. There have been more than 10,000 after-shocks recorded. Continue reading

NZ on the Friendship Force menu April 3

G’day and kia ora everyone!

Coming up in a little more than two weeks is a dinner event that might be of interest to DUCW members.

Friendship Force (FF) in Winnipeg is holding a dinner on Wednesday April 3 at the Masonic Temple at Confusion Corner. This is a joint event between FF and DUCW with the focus on New Zealand, and the evening includes an appearance by Terry Roberts and Lynley DavidsonContinue reading

Earth Hour is March 23

This is a great opportunity to remember how much we rely on a steady stream of electricity, and impact it has on the world. Unlike an unplanned power failure, this gives you a chance to run around the house and turn stuff off, especially computers and the like, and sit in the dark together with your friends and/or family. It is quite fun and eye-opening, literally. I have also simply hit the main breaker for the house at 8:30 and left it off until midnight. (This has the added benefit of resetting any powered clocks to midnight automatically.) I challenge everyone to do this, at least for the one hour. Continue reading