Category Archives: Events

Formal dinner menu

Here is the menu for the upcoming formal dinner on Saturday, October 24th. It will be catered as our own private dinner, as last year. The creation of Bonne Cuisine by Michael, we know it will be delicious.

An indication of your preference for the chicken breast or leg of lamb, and whether or not you want to have dessert is appreciated. We need to know ahead of time if you want to order the vegetarian meal. Continue reading

Folk Festival features Kiwi, Aussie talent

The 2015 Winnipeg Folk Festival presented a surprising number of Australian and New Zealand musical acts at workshops and stages throughout the weekend. One stage collected all but two of them to a single dedicated audience.


All photos by Brian Hydesmith

Oz and NZ at the Winnipeg Fringe!

fringe logoIf you are looking for some Fringe productions from down under, check these out.

The Fringe runs from July 15 to 26.

For more information, visit the Winnipeg Fringe online and click on “show listings”:

The Orchid and the CrowButton Eye Productions – Melbourne, Australia – performed by Daniel Tobias

TrampolineWeeping Spoon Productions – Perth, Australia – performed by Shane Adamczak, Patrick Hercamp and Natalie Holmwood Continue reading

For all you soccer fans

Team Australia raised their banner over the Subway Soccer Field. Photo: Phil Hossack, WFP.

Team Australia raised their banner over the Subway Soccer Field. Photo: Phil Hossack, WFP.

As you probably all know, the Matildas from Australia and the White Ferns from New Zealand are in Winnipeg as part of the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup, but they are not the only ones from down under playing in Winnipeg this week.

An elite group of 16 girls aged 13 to 16 from Canberra and Sydney are following the World Cup for the next two weeks, and cheering on their home country while also taking part in exhibition games along the way. For more information, visit the Winnipeg Free Press online. Continue reading