Yarn March-April 2025, plus Trivia

The March-April issue of The Southern Yarn is ready for you in glorious full colour. Come check it out by clicking on the image of the front page, or perhaps you are one of our postal  subscribers, in which case you will be eagerly awaiting the swift delivery of the B&W version on distinctive yellow paper, by our venerable postal network.

As promised on page 5 of the newsletter, the answers (and JUST the answers)  to the trivia questions are below. Don’t look until you’ve tried to answer from the questions first.

Australia Trivia Answers

  1. Wombat
  2. Steven “Bradbury”
  3. “Harold Holt” Memorial Swimming Centre
  4. 1932
  5. Daintree Forest
  6. Hugh Jackman
  7. Macquarie Island
  8. Parkes, NSW
  9. 1974
  10. Neville Bonner
  11. Daryl Braithwaite
  12. Sydney Opera House
  13. Women first gained the right to vote in the Colony of South Australia in 1894
  14. Opal
  15. Platypus

New Zealand Trivia Answers 

  1. Green
  2. Edinburgh
  3. For Valour
  4. Xena
  5. Black Ferns (are one of the top women’s rugby teams in the world).
  6. Moas
  7. Peter Jackson (for The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)
  8. Rutherfordium
  9. Sir Russell Coutts
  10. Australian and Pacific
  11. 53
  12. Baldwin Street in Dunedin is the world’s steepest residential street a gradient of 1:2.86 at the steepest point.
  13. Lemon & Paeroa
  14. Adventure
  15. Blow on it


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