Yarn for October-November

Yarn 2019 – October November

The Yarn is out for October November. Please read it all!

Here is the Editorial, to get you started:

Since we decided to cut back to just every two months for this newsletter, you may have noticed that it is 8 pages now instead of 6. This is good for getting more news and stories to you, the readers. It also means more opportunity for you to send in news, short stories, photos, etc. As editor, I am always grateful for any such contributions! In this edition Jenny Gates shares her experiences from her recent visit back “home” (see “Getting to know”, p. 6). My sister in Brisbane also sent me a “Birds I view” piece which I’ll save until next issue. I already had Grackles written up (p. 8) and you can’t really talk about them in December/January – they’re long-gone! Whereas birds in Australia are pretty much everywhere all the time. Other Club members or family or friends often send me links to news bites that they think will interest others – very thoughtful – thanks. I like searching for interesting historical stuff for “100 years ago…”. In this edition there is one of them, and also a “200 years ago …”. I could have even included a “150 years ago …” since this month is the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth (and almost 70 years since his assassination) – a life that speaks to some of the ignorant intolerance still being preached today. Thanks as always to our advertisers and other regular contributors.

Enjoy, Charlie

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