Southern Yarn January 2025

Another new year is upon us with 2025, and the first new edition of The Southern Yarn is ready for you, in both glorious colour online here, and (wait for it…) monochrome on yellow paper through the post, if you are so inclined. To get you started, here is Charlie’s editorial.

So, another new year. A chance for a refresh in how we do things and what we do.

A positive sign already is the addition of the relatively youthful Sam and Emma to the Board, in the role of Social Co-Chairs.

As has been mentioned (p. 6), this newsletter will continue to evolve as we rely more on our members for content and less on copyrighted news.

I hope to set an example in that department. With an upcoming visit down under, I expect to return with a back-pack full of new, original material to share with Yarn readers (not to mention the odd jar of Vegemite).

Locally, we’re looking forward to experiencing our newly upgraded world-class cricket pitches at Assiniboine Park. That may take the form of a DUCW picnic in the park?

Another highlight of ’25 will no doubt be the Club’s 75th commemoration of ANZAC Day – quite an achievement!

Read on for some Annual Meeting reports and other Club and member happenings.

Thanks, as always, to all who have contributed to this edition. And to get the year off to a happy start, below is a photo my brother in Perth sent in of a kookaburra family in his backyard – junior is on the ground under the swing.

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