A Retrospective Update — 1997 to 2002
Since our retrospective of May 1997, the Club has continued to prosper and attract new members.
In reviewing the past five years’ activities, it is obvious the glue that holds the Club together is our monthly newsletter. The diversity of information contained in each issue is truly amazing. Jenny Gates goes the extra mile in rounding up articles from all manner of sources. A few years ago, the name of the newsletter was changed from The Down Under Club News to The Southern Yarn – most descriptive. About the same time, the Club logo was altered to include some Canadian content!
Folklorama pavilions in 1997, 2000 and 2001 kept our members and other volunteers busy. We are truly indebted to all who helped out. Enthusiastic crowds responded positively to the entertainment provided by Tal-Kin-Jeri, an Aboriginal group from Australia (2000) and Kahurangi Rangatahi, a Maori group from New Zealand (2001).
We have also been active in fund raising for local charities through participation in the Dragon Boat Races (2000) and the 24-Hour Relay (2001, 2002).
Our web site is up and running – www.downunderclub.mb.ca – and our email address is info@downunderclub.mb.ca if you have any questions or suggestions, or want to get in contact with us. Monthly Club events are varied and entertaining with the mainstay being ANZAC Day and Australia/Waitangi Day ceremonies.
Every year sees Australian and New Zealand service personnel at the CFB Winnipeg Air Navigation School and many of them join us at our events.
With a current membership close to 190, the Club is still growing in stature. We appear to be doing something right and the future looks interesting, bright and challenging.
Gordon Keatch, May 2002
Previous: The First 50 Years of the Down Under Club of WInnipeg